I just had to do an entry about these bands. The following two are the Ultimate Best Bands I've ever listened to. I'm going to tell about them a little and show how they look like in a past and a present! Here it comes..(They're not in order, because I can't decide which is better.)
Plastic Tree
Started in 1993 (a year after I was born o.o)
Arimura Ryuutarou (vo, q)
Hasegawa Tadashi (bass)
Nakayama Akira (q)
Satou Kenken (dr)
(Members left:
Shin (dr) left 1994
Osyoudani Takashi (dr) left 2001
Sasabuchi "Buchi" Hiroshi (dr) left 2009)
Released 19 albums (included collections), 29 singles and 9 DVDs
That's Plastic Tree from past. I guess that's around 2000.
I fell in love with this band when I turned 14, so it's now almost definitely four years ago. I've loved Plastic Tree ever since, they're never goind to bore me, or anyone else who's listening to them (I know many fans, who've been fans longer than me). Their music is something you can't describe very well in words. There's no category to put them in. I'm very thankful to all members of Pura being so unique and going on still after those many years! Ryuutarou has been my idol since I started listening them. If I could decide, I wouldn't ever stop listening to them, because their music has been carrying me through these years. It sounds so familiar and calming. I can't put it into words.
This is their first song I heard:
Kuuchuu buranko
This is Plastic Tree nowadays.
Dir en grey
Started in 1997 (earlier as La:Sadie's, with Kisaki (Phantasmagoria, for example..) on bass)
Kyo (vo)
Kaoru (q)
Die (q)
Toshiya (bass)
Shinya (dr)
Released 12 albums (included collections and EP's), 25 singles and 19 DVD's (included music video-discs)
Okay, this is VERY OLD picture! I'm sorry, I had to. Tee hee..
They're just amazing. I've listened to them for about as long as Pura, but when I really started liking them a lot, it was about two or one and a half year ago. Their music has changed a lot by the years. Actually, they try new things all the time, every album is different compared to an album before. The latest years they've been doing heavier music than what they did before. I like their every album, thought my favourite is maybe Kisou (2002), what is known about it's tragical lyrics. I like the latest album Uroboros (late 2008) much too! It's quite perfect.. Toshiya is my bass idol, he's honestly the best bassist ever.
First song I've heard of them is Taiyou no ao, which is a ballad, and what is one of their best songs..
What I like most right now, is the latest single
Hageshi sato, kono mune no naka de karamitsuita shakunetsu no yami
This is Dir en grey now. Changed a bit... (No shit sherlock)